Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Moving In

We're moving all of Susan's stuff in today. Oh, the joy. Honestly, I don't know where we're going to put all of her books; I'll probably have to go to Target or Meijers later tonight, and pick up some more bookshelves. And then put 'em together.

I thought I was done with that when I moved.

And I don't think that this apartment has enough closets for all of her clothes. We've been together for over two years now, and she's moving in clothes that I've never seen before. What's up with that?

Good thing she doesn't read blogs, isn't it?

Still, things are shaping up nicely. A little while ago, she made her cucumber, feta, and raspberry vinagrette sandwiches for lunch, so it seems there are definite perks to living together.

In the meantime, she's gone back to her place, to bring another load of stuff, and while she's out, I'm supposed to unpack as much of the last load as I can. You'd be amazed at how much just plain stuff will fit into a Ford Focus hatchback....


Blogger Jim said...

Ah, that sounds like a great perk to me! :)

Oh, the girls I know have "sets" of clothes; one set for summer, one for fall, one for special events, one set for feeling fat, etc, each of which requires its own closet space while the other "sets" need to be stored somewhere. Its a little different than my 5 pair of jeans and 10 T-shirts wardrobe :)

August 2, 2007 at 7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My brother has a long time girl friend, and sometimes he stays with her, sometimes she stays with him at his place. Consolidating living arrangements is good if it works out, but rough if it doesnt in my experience. I guess nothing in life is anything more than a gamble, though.

August 2, 2007 at 12:23 PM  

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